Transforming inequities and expanding opportunities for our youth, families and communities.

high schoolers socializing outside of school


Vision Alameda County (VAC), an independent non-profit organization, invests in promising innovations that measurably improve the well-being of our county’s youth, families and communities.  We mobilize resources across sectors to transform inequities and expand opportunity in our County’s most underinvested places.


We envision an equitable and prosperous Alameda County in which all young people thrive in pursuit of their dreams.

Celebrating high school graduation


Vision Alameda County (VAC) was founded in 2018 to align with investment in communities, consistent with Alameda County’s long-term Vision 2026 plan.  VAC was formally recognized as an independent 501 (c) (3) nonprofit organization on April 28, 2020. 

With a seed investment of $4.7M from the Alameda County Board of Supervisors, VAC began granting to promising programs that supported VAC’s mission.  In 2022, a formal strategic planning process was undertaken to further clarify VAC’s values and goals.  To date, four two-year grants have been awarded, totaling over $700,000.

young man standing on the graduation stage


Partnership  —  We harness the unique assets of Alameda County communities and the public, philanthropic and nonprofit sectors to craft new solutions to our region’s most entrenched problems.  To each new collaboration, we bring a reverence for relationship-building and trust in our grantees to be the authority on their work.

Equity & Inclusion  —  We put the needs and voices of the most underinvested communities in our County at the center of our grant-making.  We are proud to reflect Alameda County’s rich diversity in race, gender, class, age, sexuality, ability, nationality and language in our team and our investments.

Innovation & Learning  —  We support County and community leaders to pilot new approaches to old problems and to test promising responses to new ones.  Hand in hand with our partners, we test, learn and iterate in pursuit of shared goals.

Youth & Community Voice  —  We know that in order to thrive, communities need not only resources, but the opportunity to shape the decisions and institutions that affect them. We create and fund opportunities for young people to lead – both in our organization and in our County.

young man holding his first paycheck


Measurably increase well-being and access to opportunity for low-income, under-resourced and underserved young people in Alameda County between the ages of 16-24.

Catalyze innovation through county-community partnerships that bring important, underrepresented voices to the table to solve entrenched problems.

Build organizational capacity to grow and sustain impact over the long-term.